What does my registration fee pay for?
– The registration fee pays for the following items:
* Food and venue costs for Friday’s Big Opening Extravaganza
* Food, venue, and cover charge at our Saturday Night BEEF TOP Party
* Food and venue costs for Sunday Brunch at Fogo de Chão.
* Prizes for any and all contests run by BRW.
* Operational logistics such as setup, supplies, and event necessities.

Is BRW making a profit off of this event?
– The BRW team is a not for profit group; all fees go directly towards operation of the event

Do I have to be registered for dining events?
– You have to be registered for any dining event even if it’s one event.

Can I pay at the door at the restaurant?
– No, you cannot pay at the door for any dining event, reservation and head counts need to be planned ahead — NO EXCEPTIONS.

Do I have to wear the BRW bracelet for all the events?
– Yes, you do. Last year we introduced the dual bracelet system and it worked very well. It helps expedite the check in process into all the events.

Can I pay at the door for bar events?
– Yes, you may. You do not have to be registered to attend bar events, they are open to the general public.

I’m under 21, will I be allowed in the bar events?
Most likely no. All bars check ID at the door. Please contact us if you are 18-20 and interested in attending.

Will I need to carry a passport or proper ID to get into the bars?
– Yes, it’s good practice in general to carry ID, much more if you’re from out of town or traveling from abroad.
What about Uber or Lyft?
– Uber or Lyft are other preferred ways to get around, mostly at night or if it’s a really hot day. Use common sense, if it’s late at night, and are not familiar with your surroundings — don’t wander, be safe. Take a cab or a car service.

Should I get travel insurance?
Especially important for attendees from abroad. We highly encourage you to get travel insurance and some sort of coverage so if something were to happen, you’ll be taken care of.

Is there an official host hotel?
– Yes
, there is a designated host hotel for BRW LA this year. We are partnering with the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza, for those who are visiting from out of town and still looking for a place to stay. Booking information to become available on Sunday, December 17th, 2023. We also discuss travel information on this page of the website.

What else can I do in LA outside of scheduled activities?
We have compiled a list of suggested sites and activities for anyone looking to explore the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. This is particularly recommended to those making a longer visit to the area.